
Bill Perlman

Bill Perlman is the founder of LiveRisk. Bill created the LiveRisk Python Application/API to deliver open source risk analytics as both a web app and a restful API.

Bill has been writing software applications for over 40 years. After graduating from Northwestern University in 1977, he became a member of the team that developed the first electronic publishing/photo-composing system for the Bell Systems' White Pages and Yellow Pages Directories. In 1985, Bill became an Options Market Maker on the floor of the New York Commodites Exchange Center, where, from 1985 to 2001, he and his employees provided liquidity in the energy, metals and soft commodity options pits of the Nymex, Comex and Nybot exchanges. Bill wrote all of the risk management and pricing software to support his operation.

In 2011, after providing consulting services to numerous trading and hedge fund clients, Bill founded LiveRisk to provide a risk analytics solution/API to his consulting clients, whose budgets made existing solutions unavailable.

In 2016, Bill migrated these solutions from being Java-based to relying completely on the Python 3 software tools.